Microsoft® Natural Keyboard®

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Overview screen shot

An entirely new kind of keyboard, the Microsoft Natural Keyboard is designed to promote a more natural, comfortable posture for typing.

By splitting the keypad, rotating the keys, and gently sloping the keyboard, the Microsoft Natural Keyboard promotes a straighter wrist posture and a more relaxed shoulder position.



The way the Microsoft Natural Keyboard fits you, we should be asking you to try it on rather than try it out.

You get more than increased comfort:


System Requirements

286 or higher processor. To take advantage of the IntelliType software and Windows function keys, 386DX/25 or higher processor.
MDA, CGA, EGA, VGA, SVGA, XGA or VESA VCI - compatible video driver
One 3.5" or one 5.25" high-density (1.44) disk drive
Operating System
MS-DOS® 2 0 or higher (To use IntelliType software and Windows function keys, you also need Windows operating system version 3.1 or later, including Windows 95, or Windows NT version 3.1 or later)
One PS/2 -compatible mouse port, or one 5-pin DIN keyboard port
This keyboard is NOT compatible with a serial port


Pricing Information


Ordering Information

Windows US 2867051V100 $99.95
Call 1-800-457-9530 to order direct or see your reseller. Customers who are deaf or hard of hearing can reach Microsoft text telephone (TT/TDD) services at 1-800-892-5234. Retail prices may vary.


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